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Dark Moon


Cast a Dark Moon Circle

Items needed;

4 candles, one for each quarter
container of water
container of salt
Red candle
wine or non-alcoholic beverage
cake or cookies

The Dark Moon, a time between the Full Moon and the New Moon is a time of secrets and mysteries.  It is a time to look within yourself and find your own inner darkness.  Do not fear the darkness, it is a place of untapped power, rest, peace, harmony and balance.   The dark brings change and knowledge of hidden realities in it's sweet soft silence.  

Ground and center yourself, which simply means finding the center of your being and allowing yourself to become fully present in the moment.  Your center is the balance point between the worlds.

Take a few moments to visualize being surrounded by complete darkness. Feel yourself being drawn inwards to your core, the place where the Dark Moon Goddess and God reside.  Ask Them for Their help, guidance, and protection in your Dark Moon Circle.  As you do so imagine that you are being surrounded by deep purple light.  

You will now begin to create your Dark Moon Circle.  Everything done in the Dark Moon Circle will be done widdershins (counterclockwise) rather than the usual deosil (clockwise) movement of a Full or New Moon Circle.  The reasoning behind the widdershins movement is that  the Dark of the Moon is a time for banishing and removing, a time of decrease and spiraling inwards.

Calling of the Elements

Quarter your Circle by marking out the physical space by placing four candles in each cardinal direction beginning in the North and moving widdershins West then South then East.  Traditional candle colors for North is green, West is blue, South is red and East is yellow.  Black candles may also be used instead.

Beginning in the North and moving widdershins, light each candle in turn.  Call the Quarters by saying something like:

North - By the powers of Earth, Element of winter and healing,  I ask your spirit to be present  tonight to assist me in my Ritual.

West - By the powers of Water, Element of autumn and shape shifting, I ask your spirit to be present  tonight to assist me in my Ritual.

South - By the powers of Fire, Element of summer and transformation, I ask your spirit to be present  tonight to assist me in my Ritual.

East - By the powers of Air, Element of spring and communication, I ask your spirit to be present  tonight to assist me in my Ritual.

Blessing of the Elements

Hold your hands over the container of water and chant:

Reveal to me, thou holy dew,
The mysteries yet known to few.
By secret pools in ink-black night,
I summon now thy sacred might.

Using your finger draw a widdershins spiral in the salt and chant:

Inspire within, thou blessed soil,
The sacred spiral to uncoil.
By mystic mounds in ink-black night,
I summon now thy sacred might.

Light the red candle, hold your hands near the flame and chant:

Live within me blessed flames,
I ask this in the holy names.
By secret fires in ink-black night,
I summon now thy sacred might.

Light your incense or put some onto lit charcoal and chant:

Enchant for me, thou airy one,
Thy sacred task has thus begun.
By secret winds in ink-black night,
I summon now thy sacred might.

Consecration of Self with Elements

Put a dab of the salt and water upon your third eye area and say:

I am consecrated by the elements of Water and Earth.

Pick up the candle and hold it near your heart chakra and say: 

I am consecrated by the element of Fire.

Pick up the incense and hold it near your throat chakra and say:

I am consecrated by the element of Air.

Cast the Circle

Beginning in the North walk the perimeter of your Circle moving widdershins (north, west, south, then east) three times while chanting:

I bind the Circle, I hold it fast!

Go to the center of your Circle, hold your arms up to the sky and state forcefully:

The Circle is Cast!

Turn to the North and draw an invoking Earth Pentagram in the air.
Turn to the West and draw an invoking Water Pentagram in the air.
Turn to the South and draw an invoking Fire Pentagram in the air.
Turn to the East and draw an invoking Air Pentagram in the air.

Your Circle is now complete.  At this time it is appropriate to do magickal workings or sacred inner-journeys.

Cakes and Wine

Once you are finished working magick, bless and eat some cakes (cookies or crackers will do) and wine ( juice, water etc.).  It is traditional in Wiccan Circles to eat and drink after performing magick or meditations, the act of eating and drinking brings you back to earth and "grounds" you.  

Cakes and wine blessings may be as simple or elaborate as you wish.  You could say something like:

Goddess of the Dark Moon Mysteries, Bless this food and drink.

Banishing the Circle

Once your magickal journey is complete it's time to open the Circle.  To open the Circle you simply reverse the Circle casting process.  

Release the Elemental Powers. Stand in each quarter beginning in the North.  

Draw a banishing Earth Pentagram and say:
Farewell Element of Earth, thank you for your presence here tonight.

Move to the Western Quarter, draw a banishing Water Pentagram and say:
Farewell Element of Earth, thank you for your presence here tonight.

Move to the Southern Quarter, draw a banishing Fire Pentagram and say:
Farewell Element of Fire, thank you for your presence here tonight.

Move to the Eastern Quarter, draw a banishing Air Pentagram and say:
Farewell Element of Air, thank you for your presence here tonight.

Open the Circle

Stand at the Northern Quarter and begin to walk deosil around the perimeter of your Circle three times while chanting;
Earth will crumble my Circle away,
Wind rise now and blow Earth away.
Heat of Fire transforms the Air
Water will purify when all is done.

This completes your Dark Moon Circle.


  • Rowan Morgana Book of Shadows
  • Dark Moon Mysteries - Timothy Roderick



Dark Moon Incense

sandalwood powder - 1 tsp
patchouli leaves - 1/2 tsp
myrrh - 2 tsp
Mix all together then add (optional) a few drops of jasmine and chamomile (or lemon) oil

Dark Moon Oil

Into 1/8 cup of grape seed oil add the following:
7 drops jasmine essential oil
2 drops chamomile (or lemon) essential oil
3 drops patchouli essential oil
1 drop sandalwood essential oil